AUDIO MESSAGES by Eric Barger and others
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To download these files follow these steps: (1) "Right click" on the file you wish to download. (2) Select "Save Target As" and direct the file to be saved into the appropriate folder on your computer. (3) From there you may click on the file and listen anytime.
To Listen "live" click on the file links below on this page. However, please understand that depending on your connection speed it may take a moment or two for the file to load and begin playing.
Messages by Eric Barger
Eric Barger's Testimony - recorded live
Defeating Darkness Seven Ways (Spiritual Warfare) - Eric Barger, live seminar presentation
The MOST Dangerous Cult - Eric Barger, live seminar presentation
The End-Time Occult Invasion - Eric Barger, live seminar presentation
The Truth About Islam - Eric Barger, live seminar presentation
The Proof and the Power of the Resurrection - Eric Barger, live seminar presentation
The Battle Cry of Praise - Eric Barger, live seminar presentation
How to Know the Call of God - Eric Barger, live seminar presentation
The Errors of the Emergent Church - Eric Barger updated "live" seminar presentation 3/2010
The Death of Discernment - How "The Shack" Became the #1 Bestseller in Christianity - Eric Barger updated
"live" seminar presentation 3/2010
Eric Barger on Southwest Radio Church June 2, 2010 - More Emergent Nonsense (from live webcast)
Eric Barger on Southwest Radio Church June 23, 2010 - NYC Ground Zero Mosque/Islam (from live webcast)
Messages by Gary Kah
The State of the Union Americas Political and Economic Dilemma - Gary Kah "live" seminar presentation 3/2010
The Coming Globalization Obama Middle East Interfaithism the Vatican - Gary Kah "live" seminar presentation 3/2010
Messages by Ed Decker
Out of Mormonism - Ed Decker's story
Understanding Christian Apologetics - Ed Decker, soundtrack of DVD
Remember as you listen to the audio:
Eric refers often to the many slides used during the presentations which are visible to the congregation.
To purchase the DVDs, complete with all of the slides and video clips Eric uses in conferences each week, visit our secured online BOOKSTORE.
(c) copyright 2010, Eric Barger
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Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030