On Demand Videos
Who is Eric Barger and what are Take A Stand! Seminars? Find out how Eric has been impacting churches and conference with these biblically-based messages for over 30 years!

The most extensive research and expose' we have ever undertaken concerning the forces and beliefs that are shaping Twenty-First Century Christianity.

Part 1: Underst...


Eric Barger lists and details many of the challenges facing the Church in 2014 including: Adversarial attacks from the secular world in...


Today, in a sweeping effort to redefine Christianity, a troupe of popular yet apostate “evangelical” leaders have led alarming nu...


Eric Barger details:

- Nine Reasons why the Catholic system opposes the Bible including Idolatry, Praying to or through the Dead, Pu...

The title of this video is truly an astounding question!

Just a few short years ago, few would have dreamed that by now Evangelicals would be asking this of themselv...


Eric Barger refers to this as one of the most important messages in his 31+ years of ministry. Fulfilled Bible prophecy is the focus her...

Today, there is a growing and increasingly widespread movement inside mainline and Evangelical churches which attempts to join Islam and Christianity. Based on the premise that bot...

Examining the Spiritual Life and Influences of Hillary Clinton

- Mrs. Clinton claims to be an “old fashioned Methodist” but who and what really dictates her spir...

Drawing from his book, "Disarming the Powers of Darkness," Eric outlines seven battle-tested spiritual weapons God has given every Christian to assist us in personal victory over t...

- Is it Mormonism? - Jehovah’s Witnesses? - Islam? - Atheism? - Scientology? - Perhaps the New Age Movement? - Maybe the Mind Sciences? In this updated video Eric Barger carefull...

In this live seminar message, Eric Barger exposes the Enemy’s plan to trap untold numbers through NINE ancient practices proliferating in our culture today. These practices are b...

This is the trailer for the live seminar message "The Nine Forbidden Practices - And Why You Should Know About Them." In the message, Eric Barger exposes the Enemy’s plan to trap...
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