Eric Barger's

"Discerning the Times in the Light of the Word"!

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Eric & Melanie Barger

August 6, 2000

Take A Stand! Ministries Update

- Excerpts from Eric's New Book now online!
- New Video Special! "Breaking the Seductions of SATAN!"
- New Links
- Web Site Updates
- News from the Ministry

In this email update...

- News about Eric & Melanie's Daughter, Kellie
- Eric's New Book, "Disarming the Powers of Darkness" update * Read TWO new chapters online now! *
- Important Ministry Opportunity
- NEW Seminars!

Praise the Lord for your friendship and interest!

UPDATE ON KELLIE'S HEALTH - Many of you know that our daughter has been very ill. She has seen several doctors over these past 8 weeks but with little effect. She is feeling some better but still is "wiped out" most days and cannot work. The Sonogram’s and CT Scan she had turned out normal, but we still do not know what exactly is the cause. She goes for an MRI and a spinal tap on Monday 8/7. I will keep you posted in our monthly letter to givers and on our web site Prayer Page.

For complete history and updates on Kellie and to view all of the prayer requests we receive visit:



MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY - The fellow who has been doing our printing is selling his shop and changing careers. He is a sweet-spirited brother in Christ and I praise God for our friendship.

Here is where I need your help ASAP as he has presented us with a wonderful opportunity. He has offered to print "anything" we need for merely the cost of paper until he closes out his business!

We can save hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars for the ministry if I can IMMEDIATELY raise the finances to print the various items we use. The main item we need to print a lot of is envelopes, which we go through thousands of each year. They are also the most costly per piece item we print regularly, so raising the funds to do this now is of added stewardship benefit.

Being that it is summer (when income slows dramatically anyway) and also that we are "off the road" (where the bulk of our income is raised), I can do little to fund this without your help.

In fact, we need your help more than ever just to get through this time off the road. Please consider a special gift for this project. We can’t afford to miss this opportunity!

Right now, your gift of ANY SIZE will mean so much and will stand as a reminder that we are not alone in this ministry.

Please ask God what you should do and then click here to give your gift here online through our secure server. You can also call in a credit card gift to us at 972-495-9490 or mail your check to:

Take A Stand! - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(We will happily receipt any gift of $5.00 or more!)


TWO NEW CHAPTERS of my new book, "Disarming the Powers of Darkness!"co-authored with author/speaker David Benoit are now online!

Until the book is released this fall we'll be giving you more of it free on our web site. We figure that's a pretty good deal considering horror author, Stephan King is charging $3 a chapter for his new book online! He offers stuff right from Hell...we offer the antidote!!!

A few weeks ago we loaded Chapter 12, "Scarred Silly - the Fascination with Fear" on our web site for you to read. (Thanks for the positive input and comments too!)

Now you can read Chapter 6, "Two Big Guns - Prayer and the Word" and Chapter 22, "Necromancy: Voices from Hell"

To access all three of the chapters currently online visit:

(Please keep in mind that these are somewhat unedited versions of what will become the finished product.)


LAST NOTE - The new seminars are going to be GREAT! We are revamping and updating virtually every one of them, plus adding a couple of new ones.

New Seminar Topics:

"Will the REAL Jesus Please Stand Up?"

"The Rise, Fall and Redemption of America"

Again, we’re so grateful for your faithful support and especially for giving toward the printing project at this time!

Thanks and God Bless You! Psm. 37:23 today!


Thanks for telling a friend about our ministry, web site and newsletter!

Remember, you may read or download the Newsletters anytime! Just go to and click on "Current Take A Stand! Newsletter" or view past Newsletters at the "Newsletter Archive".

Have you taken our "Mormonism Poll" at The results will be included in an upcoming article and in the Take A Stand! Seminar series.


SPECIAL VIDEO TAPE OFFER - "Breaking the Seductions of SATAN!"

Please click here for information and to order! Remember, your order helps us financial too!


If you are not already a subscriber to Take A Stand! O N L I N E click here!

Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490

(c) copyright 2000, Eric Barger