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"Now in our 22nd year of standing for truth!"

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Eric & Melanie Barger

Ministry Update - June 14, 2005

"You Saved My Life Spiritually..."

Some time ago I received an email from a young man in Minnesota. His mother had been at the Christian Workers Conference in Spokane, WA and had heard me address the conference on the effects of the occult in our culture. In particular, she had become concerned about her 13 year-old son’s affinity with Egyptian artifacts. Shortly thereafter the young man (Ryan) wrote me about his interest in ancient Egypt.

"Ancient Egypt and studying about it. I have a collection of Egyptian stuff like books, small statues, papyrus wall hanging, Egyptian stamps, Egyptian money, a cheesy looking pyramid. My statues are of Anubis the Sphinx and a statue of King Tut."

He added saying, "I am a christian I enjoy doing 20 min. long sermons for Church Youth Group nights. I love christian music. I really believe in the power of prayer. So my question is since I am a christian and know what the kind of Egyptian stuff I buy symbolizes does that still mean I am at risk of anything Satan might bring in because of my Egyptian stuff?"

I wrote Ryan a very straight-forward letter warning him that even though he may know what the items he was collecting and studying symbolized they may well represent a way for Satan to gain a foothold in his life.

I wrote: "Anubis - Egyptian god of the Dead is represented as a man with the head of a dog or jackal. He was a god of the funeral cult and of the care of the dead.

In The Book of the Dead, he was depicted as presiding over the weighing of the heart of the deceased in the Hall of the Two Truths."

Among other things I said, "I encourage you to begin spending the time you now spend each week on study of God’s word instead of the Egyptians...they followed MANY other Gods...we follow just one and He wants his children filling their hearts and minds and spending their time learning about and serving Him.

I also encourage you to renounce all forms of mysticism and idolatry and if they have gotten a hold on you begin to claim the promise that Christ’s blood is greater than all of Satan’s deceptions."

I didn’t hear back from the young man again for some time but not long ago I received this email.

His recent email started by saying "Thanks, you saved my life spiritually."

He wrote: "I wrote you last year and was asking you about my Egyptian collection. You pretty much said to get rid of it. I was angry at first but I prayed about it that night and the next morning the first thing that came in to my mind was to get rid of it.

The next night after I took my stuff down, I felt something that was in my room; it may sound weird but it felt like an evil presence. That was the first night in two years that I needed the light on with my door open just to feel some what safe.

I was going to sell it on ebay but it didn’t sell. Then my Great Aunt said that it could be that God wants me to get rid of it and not give it to someone else. So I very reluctantly burned it. But after I burned it that night I felt a Godly presence in my room that night. Later that night I thought to myself that I WAS falling away from God without knowing it. During that time I had my Egyptian collection I was falling away from my Christian friends and I was rejecting authority.

I guess all I can say is thank you, because you can’t thank somebody enough for telling them the truth and saving their soul. If my mom hadn’t gone to Spokane, Washington who knows where I would be right now.

I am doing another sermon on the 18 of January on reincarnation. I may be over anxious but I think I have found my calling for life. I would like to be a Chaplain in the U.S. Army. Anyway thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me get rid of that stuff. Also I love to read your newsletter and I really enjoyed the newsletter on Harry Potter. I think you should keep on writing about it you may be able to get more people listening to you.

Thanks again!


God knows exactly when to prompt someone to send this kind of encouraging email. It encourages me no end that the Lord has used us in so many situations to see families and individuals like Ryan find help and hope.

I want to share with you an example of how God supernaturally encouraged me at literally the very moment I was first working on this newsletter!

I received this email on Monday morning at 8:35 AM.

Subject: Thanks for your newsletters

Thank you for your newsletters. I love receiving them. I was a Mormon for the first twenty years of my life and have been a Christian for 12. I look forward to the time when I’ve been with Jesus longer than I was with a cult.

Thank you for your ministry, it really struck a chord with me because I know that there were people praying for me, at war for me spiritually, in my struggle to come out of the Mormon Church. You may never know how much your ministry affects people until we all get to heaven, but at least you’ll know today.

God Bless you!


I wrote back:


I cannot express to you in words what it means to me to know how you feel.

Thanks so much for your encouragement!

It may blow your mind to know but I am sitting here working on a future ministry newsletter. In it I am highlighting the story of a young man who believes that our ministry "saved his spiritual life."

The last line I wrote in the newsletter article just now was: "God knows exactly when to prompt someone to send this kind of encouraging email."

Then I "heard" your email come in. Wow! Goose bumps.

God truly does know when to lift us up. I slept three hours last night and have been in the office since 3:30am...it's now 8:46. I guess I needed a little more encouragement and the Holy Spirit just brought it through you.

I am so glad you are free to serve the real Jesus. Let us know if there is anything we can do to assist you or help in your ministry to others.

Have a blessed day and thanks again for writing!


It is truly awesome to watch as God changes lives. Occasionally He dispenses angels or intervenes in other blatant supernatural ways. But most often the Lord seems to choose to use His human servants to touch others for Him. Melanie and I have seen Him orchestrate our steps and actions so many times to position us to minister to someone’s immediate need. But we’re not special. We’re just available.

God wants to use you also. Kingdom minded Christians are always preparing for service and simply available.

Study of the Word in comparison to the cultural issues (such as cults, etc.) that the Lord directs you in along with regular times of prayer and worship enable us to be fit for service by
the King of Kings!

Make yourself available today and watch how the Lord will position you to affect someone else for His glory. God is looking for someone to use and that someone is YOU!

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A few weeks ago I shared the need we have to raise over $4,000 for computer equipment, including a new lap-top computer and a printer capable of handling the ever-increasing work load of the ministry. As of now just $600 has come in toward this need.

My friend, we can reach so many more and do so much more efficiently once we have the proper equipment. It has become a constant prayer of mine that the Lord will allow us to focus on the ministry more completely and lift the strain of finances from our thoughts. Truthfully, just the challenge of raising our monthly budget consumes far too much of our time and effort. The need for new equipment and our budget could be met if just half of those reading this responded as the Lord directs them in what to do.

I don't talk about money much. We're not trying to pay big TV or radio bills but we do need to raise several thousand dollars each month to meet the needs of the ministry and family. (Today, I am in the forth of five weeks on the road ministering away from my family. That's tough enough without the stress of finances.) God is our source but He uses people. Will you help?

You may contribute using our completely secured online server by clicking here or just drop a check in the mail to our Texas address. Each gift of any size will be greatly appreciated.

God bless you!

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PS...In the past week eight people have come to Christ and many more have been ministered to during my time in Ontario, Canada. Thanks for your support of the work. You will share in the blessings!

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.
- II Corinthians 9:7-8

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Schedule Eric for your Church!

We are continuing to schedule ministry dates in churches and conferences for the rest of 2005 and 2006.

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Your help is vital.

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Take A Stand! Ministries - PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030

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If you wish to email Eric Barger please do so at ebarger@ericbarger.com. Thank you!

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Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030