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"Now in our twenty-first year of standing for truth!"

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Eric & Melanie Barger

Life-on-the-Road Update - April 29, 2004


You are invited to a very special evening with Eric and Melanie Barger as Eric ministers
at LAKESHORE CHURCH in Rockwall, TX.

The topic: "From Rock to Rock"

This is Eric and Melanie's life-changing and inspirational testimony of deliverance from drugs,
the New Age Movement and the secular rock music business through the power of Jesus Christ!

We invite all our North Texas friends to take part as the Barger's will also be making an
important announcement concerning their family and the future of Take A Stand! Ministries.

Sunday May 2 6 pm

Please bring an unsaved friend or loved one!

To find Lakeshore Church take I-30 east from Dallas to Rockwall. Exit Highway 205 and go south 3 miles. Lakeshore is on the left.

Greetings to all of our new subscribers and old friends as well !!!

I don't normally detail all of the meetings and conferences we take part in. However, the past two weeks have been extraordinarily good. Last week I ministered at Eastside Family Church in Troy, Illinois. It was great and we're already looking forward to joining Pastor Jeremy Drake and his congregation again soon!

This week I presented a four day series at Princeton (Illinois) Bible Church. Besides having great, responsive crowds at each of the five services, I also ministered in three sessions to the kids in the Christian School which is a part of the church. There, several students surrendered to the Lord and received His forgiveness!

As we closed the series last night we saw four teens make commitments to Christ with many others responding to the invitation receiving prayer concerning issues in their lives...Praise the Lord!

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(Click here to see enlarged pictures from Wednesday's meeting.)

After the Sunday morning service this week I receive a very moving note. During that service I taught on America, our Founding Fathers and their vision that our nation should be based on Biblical truth. (Click here for more on this.) The note said:

"I do not have any money with me today for the offering, but I wanted to let you know I learned more about our government and nation’s history today than I have in all my years in school. I am a senior in high school. Thank you!"

Wow, does that mean a lot to me! It also speaks to how desperately we as Christians need to inform both the church and those in the world about our country's Christian foundation.

Deliverance from the Occult!

Monday night I met a gentleman who recounted meeting me none years ago. He specifically wanted to relate to me what happened after I ministered in his community. I asked him to put the account of what transpired in an email so you could all rejoice with us as well. He wrote:

Mr. Barger,

Almost 9 years ago you came to a small, old, wooden church in LaMoille, IL. You spoke on a variety of subjects, including the occult. Little did I know that what you had said that night affected a young man that was in my youth group at that time.

When we had our next youth group meeting, this individual came to me and shared with me on how he had gotten wrapped up in the witchcraft séances in the grave yard here in LaMoille. He and several other youth had been dabbling in witchcraft for quiet some time. It terrified me, to say the least when he told me what all he had been doing! I had no past experience with this type of supernatural powers, other than hearing your seminar at our church the week before. And to tell you the truth, as I was listening to you that night, I didn't think that our small community of only 600 had a problem with the occult. Of course I immediately prayed over this young man, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt there was something else in that church basement at that time other than the Holy Spirit!!

I informed our minister of what had just happened and a couple of years of counseling transpired with this youth. Finally, with the help of a new minister that came to our church, we had a break through with this youth and one evening we had a book burning party in this guy’s back yard. Thousands upon thousands of dollars of occult books, CD's, dungeon and dragon CD's and stuff I had no idea what they were. I thought the mother was going to have a heart attack when she saw how much stuff we were bringing out of his room - that was in her house!! (The fire burned for about 6 hours just to let you know how big the pile was!!)

As I stated this was almost 9 years ago. The last report I had on this individual was he is doing well and going to a very good bible believing church and not dwelling in witchcraft any more.

This was a direct result of you visiting a small church and touching one life…one life that thousands in heaven are rejoicing over. You didn't have to visit a small church that probably couldn't pay you too much for your time, but you did and God richly blessed that visit.

Thank you for your ministry and don't ever refrain from sharing the truth where ever you can.

I will keep you, your wife and family and your ministry in my prayers.

God Bless,
Jessie D. Edington

Lord of the Rings: Christian or Cultic? - Reactions

We've had a LOT of reaction from the article "Lord of the Rings: Christian or Cultic?" (Read it here.) The vast majority was to affirm their support for my position and of course we had several "remove me from your list" requests as well.

Click here to read some of the responses.


We still need funding for a newer van for the ministry. This year we anticipate putting on more miles on our ministry vehicle then any year yet. Our current van (a 1996 Dodge Grand Caravan) currently has over 256,000 miles on it and we are nearing the "desperately need" stage concerning a newer van. Please pray about this important need. Click here for details. Thanks You!

Ministry Opportunities

Over 50% of my Take A Stand! seminar speaking schedule now comes as a result of interested lay-people taking the initiative to see their church and community touched through our ministry and then by making a simple phone call to us. I encourage you to contact me personally through our office at (972) 495-9490 or email me at eric@ericbarger.com anytime. I also recommend that you click here for a helpful menu of information about the seminars and ministry as well.

Our 2005-2006 schedule is coming together and we'd like to include your church as the Lord leads.

Together perhaps through our joint efforts we'll see many more lives delivered from the bondage of sin and even from the occult!

CLICK HERE for scheduling information and ministry details!

Thanks again and God bless you all!

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If you wish to email Eric Barger please do so at eric@ericbarger.com. Thank you!

If you are not already a subscriber to Take A Stand! O N L I N E click here!

Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490 www.ericbarger.com