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"Now in our twenty-first year of standing for truth!"

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Eric & Melanie Barger

Update from Eric Barger - Feb. 2, 2004

Greetings to our friends and subscribers!

Today, I am in Oregon where we’ve had a week of meetings in two churches and as soon as this emailer goes out I'll undertake a 700 mile drive ending tonight in Hollister, California. On Wednesday Melanie flies in from Dallas and next weekend we'll be ministering at the San Bernardino Sunday School Convention and in local churches in Southern California. Thanks for praying for traveling mercies for us and for God's power, anointing and provision as we present the ministry in California. You can always follow my itinerary by clicking the link on our home page.

Now, with that said, I am writing today to alert you of two situations, both of which are vital to the life of the ministry.


Though I have mentioned it in a previous newsletter, in the coming weeks we will be seeking finances to purchase a newer van for the ministry. Our 1996 Dodge has been a terrific vehicle. However, since September 11, 2001 we have changed the way we plan our ministry trips and have been driving the majority of the time. It is just not cost-effective to ship complete inventories of our books, tapes and materials ahead of us to each stop. This doesn’t even begin to speak of the hassle and manpower needed to do this either. Thus our present van now has over 242,000 miles on it and though it is currently running fine we want to "retire" it to use as our "around town" vehicle in Texas.

Right now, Melanie travels with me about half the time. When I am gone without her she does NOT have a car to drive back home. She is at the mercy of our daughter to take her where she needs to go for both ministry and personal trips. Since our daughter has three small children and life of her own to keep, this is not a good situation. Obviously, we NEED a second vehicle and we NEED a newer vehicle for the ministry as well. These are just not desires folks - they are genuine NEEDS.

A handful of our supporters have graciously given a total of $1900 towards this need to date. We're going to need about $10,000 total at which time we can purchase a newer vehicle at wholesale which will save the ministry a great deal of God's money. (Buying it through a wholesale outlet and paying cash for our last vehicle saved over $6,000 plus the interest charges.)

Folks, I have always said that since we are in a traveling ministry, the Lord knows who He wants to move upon to assist us in the travel. Is that you He is speaking to about meeting this need?


The second item that I need to present to you is that our publisher is going out of business. We just didn’t see this coming. And it has left us with a gaping hole in an important element of our ministry.

Though we have a few cases of Disarming the Powers of Darkness we are completely out of our number one book, Entertaining Spirits Unaware. This book has changed countless lives and I am more grieved each moment knowing that folks who need it cannot obtain it. In fact, just yesterday I had lunch with a pastor who has used our book to help many others whom he ministers to. When I told him of our dilemma he responded saying "Eric, you have GOT to get that book back in print!" He's right.

I have re-written two of the chapters in Entertaining Spirits Unaware, updating it in preparation for our publisher to reprint it. But now - due to circumstances out of our control with our old publisher - we must "shop" the book (and two book projects that I have currently in progress) to new publishers. All of this means that we will probably not have a new publishing contact in place which would deliver any books to us for several months. The solution is that we MUST reprint the book independently in the mean time. This project is going to take $5,000.

Friends, the books we produce are perhaps the most time consuming and laborious work in the ministry. I guarantee you that just as with 99% of those who write Christian books, we do NOT make much money from the books. Most folks are shocked when they find out that most authors' contracts pay them only 10 or 12% of the retail price of each book sold. But that is life in the publishing business. So it is merely because we know that books such as Entertaining Spirits Unaware are extremely valuable resources for folks to use that we spend the precious time and effort to write. I know as well that this book has done more to change lives for eternity then probably any other ministry resource we have ever produced. It is simply no wonder why Satan has fought this book with such veracity!

Both of these projects are ABSOLUTE NECESSITIES and they are expenses which are over and above our monthly operating budget.

It is a sad but true fact that anytime I share a need that we or the ministry have we are assured to get some negative email critical of us for doing so and some accompanying "remove me from your list" requests. At the possibility of losing some of my subscribers I must ask for your help on these needs. I would prefer to use these emails as a vehicle to provide ministry materials with but occasionally I need to express the needs of the ministry as well. Not doing so is just not good stewardship.

I have never held anything back from you who believe in our ministry. We have always shared the joys and the pitfalls we face in this faith-based apologetics ministry. We often share with you just a glimpse of the many letters that we receive which represent the effectiveness of and anointing upon the ministry. And we will continue to bring our personal and ministry needs before you so that even if you are unable to give you can intercede that God touch the hearts of others who have the resources to meet the needs. PLEASE HELP US MEET THESE NEEDS and then rejoice with us for the glory of God!

We'll post pictures of the new van on the website as soon as it is obtained and in return for your gifts to meet these needs WE'LL SEND EVERYONE WHO GIVES TO EITHER OF THESE PROJECTS A BRAND NEW, UPDATED VERSION OF ENTERTAINING SPIRITS UNAWARE AS SOON AS IT IS REPRINTED!

Thank you for praying. And thank you for making a gift or gifts toward these needs. As always, when someone comes to Christ or is delivered from a cult or from the bondage of the demonic, we know that our work is simply an extension of the finances and prayerfulness of those who believe in this ministry.

Because of the Cross,

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If you wish to email Eric Barger please do so at eric@ericbarger.com. Thank you!

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Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490 www.ericbarger.com