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"Now in our twenty-first year of standing for truth!"

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Eric & Melanie Barger

Update from Eric Barger - Feb. 14, 2004

Greetings to our friends and subscribers!

It is great to be home...if only for 4 days! The January/February trip to the West Coast was great. God blessed and use the ministry in several local churches and at the "BRASS" Convention in Southern California. We leave for meetings in Illinois on Tuesday, including 7 sessions at the "Equip 2004" Convention in Peoria next weekend. Remember, you can always follow my itinerary by clicking the link on our home page.


I especially want to take a moment to invite all of you who reside in the Dallas, TX area to LAKESHORE CHURCH just a few minutes south of Rockwall where I'll be ministering this Sunday night (Feb 15) at 6pm. My topic will be "The Legacy of Defending the Faith" and will include an extensive question and answer time. (Take I-30 to Rockwall, exit Hwy 205 and go south toward Terrell. The new Lakeshore Church building will be on your left just a few miles down. You can't miss it!) Hope to see many of you there! (PS...Lakeshore is our home church!)


Thanks so much for your response from our last emailer concerning the purchase of a newer van for the ministry. Thus far $2150 has been designated towards this absolutely vital project. You may give to see this need met any of four ways. Please click here for details. Thanks You!


I don't want to jump the gun but we hope to have some really positive news concerning the re-publishing of the book "Entertaining Spirits Unaware" in the near future. I'll keep you posted on the progress. You can help with this need as well. Please click here.


We need your continued support during this season so I want to offer two books to you in appreciation for your gift of any size written by one of Christianity's most prolific writers, (and my friend!) Dr. Elmer Towns. Dr. Towns has made an awesome impact on many people worldwide including yours truly and it has been a blessing to be associated with him.

You may contribute to the ministry in any of four ways and again, in return we will send you a copy of Dr. Towns' classic novel The Son as well as his inspirational book God Encounters. Please click here for details and be sure to indicate the books you desire.

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Dr. Elmer Towns and Eric

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There is no way to sufficiently thank you for your prayers and support. Melanie and I are eternally grateful for your partnership with us. Thanks for allowing us to update you and thanks for your continued friendship toward us and this ministry. I'll be in touch soon and in the mean time, please make use of the many reseources at our website!

God bless you!

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These mailers are sent to SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. If you are receiving this email update and did NOT subscribe to receive our email newsletter and/or do not want to receive future mailers, please kindly send us your request to ebnl@toasthost.com.

If you wish to email Eric Barger please do so at eric@ericbarger.com. Thank you!

If you are not already a subscriber to Take A Stand! O N L I N E click here!

Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490 www.ericbarger.com