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There's Power in the Blood!

Blessed Friends,

Melanie and I are home from five weeks of fruitful ministry on the West Coast. Thanks for praying for and standing with us as we concentrate on our mission for the Lord!

In three weeks we'll be going to Eastern Canada for the first time in over 5 years. Pray that the Lord goes before us and opens hearts to the messages presented through TAKE A STAND! Seminars! I've been invited to address Canada's largest Christian gathering of the summer (Worship Fest 2003)! We're believing for God to move mightily through the seminars and to win the lost - especially as I give my testimony to the entire festival on Saturday, August 30.

In the mean time, I'm home working on my next book and researching/updating for the seminar series. Please pray we can complete all the work, and at the same time rest up. We're both weary from the many miles put on thus far this year.

Linked below is an entire chapter for you from my book DISARMING THE POWERS OF DARKNESS. It is information and understanding about the Power of the Cross and the Blood of the Lord Jesus that each and every Christian should have in these end-times.

I'm also offering our current materials on Spiritual Warfare, including a teaching package to help you to "TAKE A STAND!" These materials will be valued ministry tools in your hands and by acquiring them you will also be supporting our work.

Thanks so much for your intercession and financial help through gifts and materials purchases. Helping to "lift up our hands" is always appreciated and means a lot - especially when we're off the road as we are right now.

Psalm 37:23 to all...

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Read: "There's Power in the Blood" from the book "Disarming the Powers of Darkness"

Order: Spiritual Warfare Materials

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If you wish to email Eric Barger please do so at eric@ericbarger.com. Thank you!

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Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490 www.ericbarger.com