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"Now in our 25th year of standing for truth!"

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Eric & Melanie Barger

Conference Ministry - A Labor of Love…

February 20, 2008


A note to our friends,

One of the most important missions of our ministry has always been providing information, insight and support to Pastors and leaders in God’s Church. Perhaps the most effective place to accomplish this has been in the many Sunday School Conventions and Christian Workers Conferences. Over the past twenty+ years, we have traveled across the country several times each year to participate in these gatherings.

I cannot possibly relate the hundreds of encounters we have had with leaders from across the spectrum of denominations who we’ve had the opportunity to impact. Through my interaction with pastors, deacons and elders, I am humbled to understand just how my input in these conferences has literally changed the direction and ministry of numerous local churches. I do not take this lightly but just thank and glorify God for the opportunities to be a workman in His vineyard. How awesome to know that The Lord has used us to impart a fresh or defining word to leadership on Spiritual Warfare, the Cults, Islam or Apologetics.

So often, I’ve realized that I’ve just been in the right place at the right time and have just carried out the ministry God has called us to. The Holy Spirit is the director here. However, we had to be there to make the connection, deliver the ministry and sometimes challenge our brethren concerning the complacent and often dangerous condition that we find the Church in during this end-time hour.

Making a difference in 2008

This year I have committed to four such conferences nationwide. However, to make this happen we will need to solicit extra help from our supporters and friends if we are to continue making the ministry available at these conferences.

Sunday School and Christian Workers conferences are a labor of love to us. We pay for our own travel, our hotels, food and other expenses – all without any guarantee of honorarium to even cover part of the costs.

We have watched sadly as several of the conferences around the country have stopped operating for various reasons. Yet as one who has labored in this field for these many years I can tell you that the need for these non-denomination leadership events is perhaps greater than ever. We leaders need to know that regardless of any opposition we face or the temptations to yield to unbiblical standards or the newest fads that we are not alone. For example, few other settings allow me to preach frankly and without reservation to so many pastors who may be
struggling with denominational liberalism, the Purpose Driven fad or the increasingly heretical Emerging Church movement and in doing so turn entire congregations back to complete reliance on God’s Word. The testimonies we’ve received tell the tale and speak of the need. Entire congregations have been turned back to complete reliance on God’s Word. For this reason alone, we simply must continue offering the ministry at these conferences and conventions.

In the next 30 days or so, we need at least $1500 extra for each of these four conferences I am committed to minister in. This is a $6,000 need over and above our normal expenses and budget. Besides this need, we also must take care of some lingering expenses carried over from 2007.

Will you step up and help?

If just four people gave $1500 the extra expenses for the conferences would be met.

Twelve gifts of $500 would meet the need, etc. But every gift of any size will be gratefully accepted. Praise the Lord!

Please just consider how your gift may impact a pastor or an entire Church for the glory of God. I cannot stress to you how great the need is to challenge and strengthen pastors and church leaders in these increasingly perilous end days. Souls are at stake and you can play a dynamic part that cannot be measured in money, time or effort.

Thanks so much!

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Take A Stand! Ministries - PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030

to help you Take A Stand!

440 pages
My Kingdom Come: The Mormon Quest for Godhood

With the release of The God Makers 24 years ago, Ed Decker led the charge in exposing the frightful errors of Mormonism. Now, his final book on the topic is in print!

Eric Barger writes: "I have been personally involved with editing and helping prepare this book with Ed for over a year. Ed has done a terrific job. It is an awesome book!"



Fast Facts on False Teachings
by Ed Decker and Dr. Ron Carlson

Concise and Powerful info on:
- Mormonism
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- New Age
- Freemasonry
- Evolution
- Islam
Plus - World Religions and other Cults

In this DVD ex-Temple Mormon and author of the classic, Beyond Mormonism, Jim Spencer carefully dissects the complicated world of Mormon history, practice, doctrine and answers the question: "Has Anything Changed?"

Run Time: 118 minutes

Click here to order any of these three products

Take A Stand! Ministries - Taking biblical stands and providing information on Spiritual Warfare, the Cults and World Religions, the Occult, Popular Entertainment and Troubling Trends in Today's Church.

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or send your gifts to:

Take a Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030 USA

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Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030

Copyright 2008, Eric Barger