Eric Barger's

"Discerning the Times in the Light of the Word"!

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Ministry Update From
Eric Barger - Sept. 22, 2000

Many Blessings in Christ!

UPDATE ON OUR DAUGHTER KELLIE'S HEALTH - The Good News: No major disease has shown up in any of the many tests she's had. The Bad News: We still do not know what is causing the drastic fatigue. Please keep praying for her

MINISTRY UPDATE - So much is happening I'll never say it all in these few lines! Many people seeking information and counsel from our web site...God is so faithful and we're grateful for every opportunity to minister. Visit us at soon. Just today I received this thank you note,

"Praise God! Thank you for this opportunity to thank you for writing about new age religions, your information really helped me understand a lot of things. I have family members involved in Mormonism and Jehovah Witnesses. Although I pray for them a lot, its good to know what I'm up against. Praise God. You are right though, I have a hard time battling in this area. Please continue to fight with me. Thank you! God bless you and your family."

- Clara (Alaska)

Showing their excitement about the project, on October 1 our publisher is releasing a booklet from our material concerning the occult-based Harry Potter kids book series. We believe that J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is a blatant advertisement for witchcraft, one that is being used boldly in both public and private schools worldwide. (If they’re using Harry Potter to teach kids how to read, why not the Bible? BOTH books teach about religion!) The four Potter books have occupied four of the top five slots on the New York Times Best Seller’s List this summer and are currently the runaway best-selling books of all time according to, the world’s largest book retailer!

To talk to others about this you'll need to be informed and documented and that is just what this booklet we've produced will do. Full of facts, documentation and Scripture, this is ammo for any activist and help for anyone concerned about the onslaught of witchcraft and occultism in our culture.

Due to all of the editing, research and detailing I've been doing to prepare these books, it is keeping me off the road until at least November. Because of this (since speaking in churches and conferences is our main source of revenue), I REALLY need your financial and prayer support right now and we'll send a copy of the Harry Potter booklet to you in appreciation of your gift during September and October. We are continuing to trust God to supply for every need through our partners – that’s YOU! (Please consider a gift of $5 or more to cover our shipping and handling costs...thanks.)

Just request a copy of the booklet when you write or call. I praise the Lord for your friendship, care and partnership in the work. Thanks so much and God Bless You!

Eric Barger
Take A Stand! Ministries

To support our ministry please write:

Take a Stand Ministries
P.O. Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030

Or for your convenience you may call (972) 495-9490 to place your support gift on a credit card. This gives us instant help.

We are so grateful for your help!

(Quantities of the Harry Potter Booklet are available...please call.)

Have you taken our poll on Harry Potter yet?
See our home page to cast your vote.

(Since our Aug. 31 update when I wrote about Harry Potter, we have had at least 5 requests to be removed from our list and one letter...all from educators...DEFENDING the Harry Potter book series! It appears that we have struck a chord but we're baffled how Christians can defend this book series!)

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Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490