Eric Barger's

"Discerning the Times in the Light of the Word"!

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Eric & Melanie Barger

Update from Eric Barger June 12, 2002

Update for our Friends!

As you have probably noticed, things have been pretty silent coming from us on the email front recently. Though I have been out speaking and presenting seminars on a limited basis, I've been spending most of my time completing my next book with my friend and co-author, David Benoit. I'm excited to say that this week we are finalizing the editing and Disarming the Powers of Darkness will be released in just a few weeks. This book will empower the Believer with understanding and practical steps to both wage and win in daily Spiritual Warfare.

I am also working on material that will most likely become three new ministry videos over the next few months.

Today, however, I ran into a snag and need you help and thought I had better email our friends.

During this time of research and writing we have been putting off some expenses but found out today that our vehicle repair bill is going to be over $800. I don't need to tell you that this expense is NOT in the budget and that we need the money to pay it immediately. Some time ago the Lord expressed to me that in times of need such as this I am to simply let the Body of Christ know about them and allow Him to operate through them by meeting the need. Thank you for allowing Him to do just that!

Having no other source but God's hand upon our friends who believe in this ministry, we have indeed seen every need met for the entire eighteen+ years of being in ministry. I know this need will now be met too.

We need a total of about $1400 to come in this week - just to cover the extra expenses. (Can it happen? OF COURSE, however today's income through the mail was just $5...not very encouraging.) Regardless, the "wheels" have to be fit for travel when you're in a traveling ministry such as ours!

Our friend, Ed Decker, author of several powerful books such as The God Makers, has just released three terrific resources. We want to send these useful, easy to read tools to you as a token of our appreciation for your support.

We'll automatically send these three booklets to all who give a gift of $25 or more to help meet the immediate need expressed above.

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The hard-hitting
Question of Freemasonry

The timely
Understanding Islam

The inspirational
To Moroni with Love

Mail your gift and request to:

Take A Stand! Ministries
POB 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030

(We gladly accept checks, money orders, Visa, MasterCard or Discover.)

Thanks so much for helping us meet this immediate need. God bless you!

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Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490

Copyright, Eric Barger 2002