Eric Barger's

"Discerning the Times in the Light of the Word"!

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Update from Eric Barger February 21, 2002

Update for our Friends!

I'm writing this short note to update you on a couple of things. Your prayers, friendship and support are crucial to us. We appreciate you greatly!

KELLIE'S SURGERY As you probably remember, our daughter Kellie was scheduled to undergo open-heart surgery in January. Though the operation took nearly twice the projected time it was a complete success! How grateful we are to the Lord and to our many friends who have prayed, called and written us concerning this.

Kellie's recovery is coming along but the progress is S L O W. We are just glad that I was able to stay home "off the road" during this season as it has been a real handful assisting her and helping care for our two wonderful granddaughters during this time. I'll keep you posted on any developments and once again, thanks for being there for us!

VISION FOR THE FUTURE During this time away from speaking God has directed me concerning our ministry's future. No, there are no radical changes, but as always, He is carefully honing our next steps. Through these days God has been pouring ideas into me concerning the various aspects of our ministry, its outreach and effectiveness. Along with the insight of our ministry's spiritual covering and our pastor here in Texas, we are developing a long-range plan that should prove to strengthen us and pay dividends for a longtime to come. I cannot express how grateful I am for the wise and encouraging counselors that have come into our lives to help us see the vision of ministry first planted in us way back in 1983 completely come to pass!

THE SPIRIT OF KORAH Being off the road these two months has stretched and redefined our faith too. When we considered that December is always a "down" month financially, we wondered just how the Lord would meet our ministry and personal expenses as we cared for Kellie. God cares for the family and wants us all to place our loved ones first behind Him in our priorities. As Melanie and I have endeavored to do this, He has awesomely honored it - but we still do need your help. Giving has slowed dramatically in the past two weeks and as we gear up for the busy month of March (which will see us travel literally coast to coast) we CAN'T fall behind now.

Back in November the Lord revived a message in me that I first preached at a church that was undergoing extreme demonic attack back in 1988.

The Spirit of Korah
is a message that EVERY PASTOR should hear today. More so, EVERY CHRISTIAN must be aware of the satanic plan the Devil has to disrupt, disfigure and divide congregations in our day. My audio tape message The Spirit of Korah will equip you for battle and help you know how to identify, pray against and also how to deal with one of the foremost demonic roadblocks infiltrating the church today. On request - and for a gift of ANY size - I want to send this tape to you.
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Mail your gift and request to

Take A Stand! Ministries
POB 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030

I trust that you believe in our ministry or I wouldn't be sending you this letter. I also believe that as we sow good seed to empower and equip the church in these days, God will touch our friends to continually see that every need is met. Melanie and I are counting on you as together we strengthen and add to the Kingdom of God!

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Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490

Copyright, Eric Barger 2002